Audrey Levan & Shiva Ghaemi

The Colglaziers Dig Fancy Comedy
Friends Scott and Marti Colglazier stopped by Formosa Cafe to see TheBriGuy and FancyComedy do their set.

Meetup Members are also Fancy Fanatics
Voice Over Artist Ian and his friend stopped by the Formosa Cafe to show their support for Fancy Comedy!

Cousin Robin Checks Out Fancy Comedy
So excited Robin Endres squeezed in time during her short trip to Hollywood to check out Fancy Comedy!

Pasadena Croquet Club Members Come Out for Fancy Comedy
Caren and Eric Sawyer from the Pasadena Croquet Club enjoyed a night out in Hollywood supporting TheBriGuy and Fancy Comedy at The Formosa.

International Model JuJuBe supports Fancy Comedy
International Model JuJuBe shows her support of TheBriGuy and FancyComedy as she bring her colorful self to the Formosa Cafe!
WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA Kristina Hughes with headliner Brian Vermeire and musical comic Mira Wilder before their sold out show with Rebels of Comedy at Formosa Cafe.
#fancycomedy #itstimetogetfancy #comics #standup#femalecomics

Fancy Fanatics at the Ice House
PASADENA, CA These Fancy Fanatics came out for a night of #FancyComedy on the Main Stage at the Ice House in Pasadena and to catch the premiere of Jeff Hodge Car Diaries. #fancyfanatics #fancymoms #fancyladies #fancyfanatics #icehouse #jeffhodge #FancyComedy See more at http://www.FancyFanatics.com

Meetup Member supports Fancy Comedy
Thanks to a Meetup Member from Pasadena who came out to the Formosa Cafe for a night of Laughs!
Marty Fidelman enjoys some Fancy Comedy
Fellow Comedian Marty Fidelman enjoys some Fancy Comedy at the Formosa Cafe.

Sandra Marshall loves Fancy Comedy
Hollywood's very own Sandra Marshall aka 'The Delightful Diva' stopped by The Formosa to catch FancyComedy's set.
Sandra Marchall and Marie love FancyComedy!
Hollywood's very own Sandra Marshall aka 'The Delightful Diva' and her friend Marie stopped by The Formosa to catch FancyComedy's set.

Another Fancy Fanatic!

Linda Jacobs is a FancyFanatic!
Linda Jacobs, wearing Yellow and being Fancy, stops to take a quick photo with FancyComedy's Kristina Hughes after her show at the Comedy Store during her whirlwind trip to Hollywood.

FancyComedy makes it debut!
Wearing Yellow and showing their Fancy Support, bestie Tamara Trione and The BriGuy (Brian Vermeire) attend Fancy Comedy's very first performance at Flappers Comedy Club.

Friends come out to support FancyComedy!
Actor Vincent Cash, comedian TheBriGuy (BrianVermeire) and comedian Jim Barnes at Flappers enjoying a nice of FancyComedy.

FancyComedy at The Formosa
Comedian Jim Barnes stops by The Formosa to check out FancyComedy's set.
Producer and Actress Nicole Sadighi is a Fancy Fanatic
WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA Nicole came out for a night of #FancyComedy at The Formosa in West Hollywood. #fancyfanatics #fancyladies #formosa #rebelsofcomedy See more at http://www.FancyFanatics.com

Croquet Comrade Joanne Woods is a Fancy Fanatic
PASADENA, CA Joanne Woods came out for a night of #FancyComedy at the Ice House in Pasadena. #fancyfanatics #fancyladies #icehouse #FancyComedy #pasadenacroquet See more at http://www.FancyFanatics.com
Actress LOU*LOU Keay is a Fancy Fanatic
PASADENA, CA LOU*LOU Keay came out for a night of #FancyComedy at the Ice House in Pasadena. #fancyfanatics #fancyladies #icehouse #FancyComedy See more at http://www.FancyFanatics.com
Director Keith Warn is a Fancy Fanatic!
PASADENA, CA Director Keith Warn takes time out of his busy schedule to check out a night of Fancy Comedy at the Ice House.
#fancyfanatics #icehouse #FancyComedy See more at http://www.FancyFanatics.com